An Analysis of the Tendency of the Nationalistic Study of Korean Modern History of Physical Education 체육사 : 근대이후 한국체육의 내셔널리즘적 연구 경향에 관한 일고찰
41(3) 3-13, 2002
An Analysis of the Tendency of the Nationalistic Study of Korean Modern History of Physical Education 체육사 : 근대이후 한국체육의 내셔널리즘적 연구 경향에 관한 일고찰
The purpose of this study is to make known how nationalism influenced the previous studies of Korean modern history of physical education, and to point out the limit and meaning of those studies, further to try to find out the possibility of understanding the characteristics of Korean modem history of physical education much more widely. For this purpose, this study has focused on how post-national historic recognition which is nowadays rising in Korean historic field can be applied to the study of Korean modem history of physical education.
The result of analyzing the previous studies, which is focused on doctoral theses, makes it sure that the basic point of view on Korean modem history has remained on the level of the restoration of national full sovereignty or national resistance based on nationalism As it is shown, there is a lack of objective recognition on the various aspects of physical education in those days. This is because they understood Korean physical activities merely based on the structure on the resistance against the superintendence of Japanese imperialism and its oppression In the raw of the theses which have dealt with the period after the Independence Day, there is a common recognition that the previous authoritarian government`s sports policy put great importance on keeping and strengthening the authentic ruling system And they also show the fact in common that the characteristics of Korean physical education are all analyzed on totalitarian nationalism However, this approach fails to show the. recognition how resistant nationalism(against imperialism) before the Independence Day has changed into totalitarian nationalism after the Independence Day, and it also fails to overcome the limit of such recognition that it couldn`t show the transition of physical activities according to the economic change, or systematic change of our society by focusing only on the political variables.
By analyzing these aspects, this study tries to throw light on the desirable process that the nationalistic study of Korean modem history of physical education should take, and reaches the following conclusion:
First we need to understand the influence of nationalism on Korean modem sport by distinguishing the deference between after and before Independence Day. Second, we need to know that the previous approach can be an obstacle in recognizing history of Korean modem sport objectively by overemphasizing the nationalistic point of view and by considering it as transcendental historic necessity or what-should-be. Third, we need to get a new perception about what will be practically helpful for setting up the desirable course or direction toward which Korean sport proceed, wondering if our insisting on the traditional approach of Korean modem history of physical education based on the nationalistic standard can be helpful or not, as of today in which sport are likely to lead mainly by the civilians.
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English Sport and Morality : Ideal of Manliness and Sport Education 체육철학 : 스포츠와 모랠러티 / 남성다움 ( Manliness ) 의 이상과 스포츠 교육
정의진 , 하남길
41(3) 17-31, 2002
English Sport and Morality : Ideal of Manliness and Sport Education 체육철학 : 스포츠와 모랠러티 / 남성다움 ( Manliness ) 의 이상과 스포츠 교육
정의진 , 하남길
The United Kingdom is recognised as the nurturing grounds of sports and thus many academics have demonstrated their sincere interests in the background development of various organised sports from this insular country. It is the intention of this article to explore the concept and interpret the meaning of "manliness"; a morality pursued by sportsmen during the development of sports, that is to say a virtue they required, a noble attribute otherwise referred to as virtuous conduct. The summarized results are as follows.
The terminology "manliness" was derived from the phrase "Muscular Christianity" which in turn was an attempt made by Charles Kingsley in the late 19th century to courage strong, substantial British upbringing. This term was a symbolic concept that specified the character of "Muscular Christians", therefore recognised as a morality. "Manliness" was generally identified by a healthy physique, tenacious mental strength, supreme moral conduct and character, however the specific implication were the notion of team spirit and also the courage that empower ones own sacrifice for the whole group. Generalized after the late nineteenth century by influential religious biblical powers; L. Stevenson and T Hughes the ideology of "manliness" was supplemented with moral calibre to it`s esteem and in consequence the younger generations were reinforced with nationalist and militarism ethos and subsequently this ethos proliferated into main stream schooling. It is the understanding of the author that manliness became a moral concept in the sport commonwealth of the United Kingdom as sports became a designated education method in order to cultivate masculine characteristics of courage, self restraint, solemnity, self fortitude, honesty, patience, strength and leadership.
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The Changes of Movement Pattern as a Function of Organismic and Environmental Constraints in Drop Landing 스포츠 심리학 : 뛰어내리기 동작의 착지시 발목과 지면의 속박에 따른 신체 역학적 변화
41(3) 35-40, 2002
The Changes of Movement Pattern as a Function of Organismic and Environmental Constraints in Drop Landing 스포츠 심리학 : 뛰어내리기 동작의 착지시 발목과 지면의 속박에 따른 신체 역학적 변화
The purpose of this study was to investigate the movement control patterns in drop landing. Both organismic and environmental constraints were manipulated based on the concepts of constraints that Newell defined(1986). The first independent variable was organismic constraint experimentally manipulated into two conditions; high-top shoes that subjects takes(constrained condition) and mountain-climbing boots without ankle part(unconstrained condition). The second independent variable was environmental constraint; landing over EVA surface(constrained condition) and over force platform (unconstrained condition). All three subjects were required to perform drop landings as safely as possible in four task conditions, i.e., in a 2(organismic constraints) x 2(environmental constraints) within-subject design. The maximum impact forces of toe and heel landing and displacement of COP(center of pressure) in backward and forward swing while larding were analyzed as a function of constraints. Data were collected using two force platforms manufactured by AMTI company and KWONGRF(1.0) software. Analyses of data revealed that: Two maximum impact forces and displacements of COP were not affected by organismic and environmental constraints. It was concluded that there were no empirical evidences about mutual constraints between organism and environment.
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Development and Validation of The Psychological Skill Questionnaire in Sport 스포츠 심리학 : 스포츠 심리기술 질문지 개발과 타당화
유진JinYoo , 허정훈JungHunHur
41(3) 41-50, 2002
Development and Validation of The Psychological Skill Questionnaire in Sport 스포츠 심리학 : 스포츠 심리기술 질문지 개발과 타당화
유진JinYoo , 허정훈JungHunHur
The purpose of this study was to develop Psychological Skill Questionnaire in Sport (PSQS) through qualitative and quantitative research methodology. Items of the measurement (10 factors and 156 items) were initially made by content analysis of open-ended questions and pare-studies. Finally, 29 items were completed by analysis of preliminary statistics. The result of item analysis and exploratory factor analysis indicated that 7 factors and 28 items were supported. As a result of confirmatory analysis, fit index was relatively low, but it was improved by model modification(CFI=.89, NNFI=.86, RMR=.053). Cronbach` a was .71-.82 and internal consistency was approved. Therefore, this study suggested that PSQS would be used a questionnaire for psychological skill acquiring theoretical and cultural validity. The following study will be required to confirm construct and concurrent validity.
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On Muscle Bound : Female Bodybuilders` Resistance to the Bodily Beauty Discourse 스포츠 사회학 : 근육의 경계에 선 여성 보디빌더의 저항성 연구
41(3) 53-63, 2002
On Muscle Bound : Female Bodybuilders` Resistance to the Bodily Beauty Discourse 스포츠 사회학 : 근육의 경계에 선 여성 보디빌더의 저항성 연구
With combined phenomenological and Foucaudian analysis, this study assesses the elite w bodybuilders represent resistance to dominant discourse of beauty of feminine body. Participants were five national-competition-level elite female bodybuilders. Data collection included mainly in-depth interviews and participation observation. This study explores the development of such a feminist perspective using elite bodybuilders as the experiential base.
I argue that the mind and body must be conceived of as a unity in understanding the social construction of gender, as well as in developing and embodying feminist perspective. The results were that the female elites bodybuilders had somewhat revealed reverse resistance, what is compliance, to the dominant female beauty discourse, they also had shown the resistance and possibilities of change to the discourse. Feministic embodiment perspective would be considered the potent resource of the self-care ethic in bodybuilding practices, Therefore it were concluded that an empowering physical practice, one like bodybuilding that challenges the discourse of beauty in feminine body, could be a critical component in the emergence of a self-care-ethic for women of this contemporary.
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The Effects of Behavior Attitude on Cognitive Attitude on University Students` Dance Sports 스포츠 사회학 : 대학생들의 댄스스포츠에 대한 인지적 태도가 행동적 태도에 미치는 영향
김세정SeaJungKim , 이근모KunMoLee , 이남미NamMiLee
41(3) 65-72, 2002
The Effects of Behavior Attitude on Cognitive Attitude on University Students` Dance Sports 스포츠 사회학 : 대학생들의 댄스스포츠에 대한 인지적 태도가 행동적 태도에 미치는 영향
김세정SeaJungKim , 이근모KunMoLee , 이남미NamMiLee
In this study, as the cognitive attitude on university students` dance sports which will be the leading role of the existing culture in the future knows to be affected at the behavior factor, it fours the value of sound sports and becomes essential basic data which gropes for the popularization method of dance sports.
The examination object for this study extracted samples to be used by Cluster Sampling Method after setting up university students in various groups who are now studying the liberal arts in the university in Pusan, 2002 The cognitive attitude of dance sports through collected 463 persons sampling enforces Covariance Structure Analysis to prove the formation or not of casual relation between behavior attitude.
According to study method and process above, the cognitive attitude in accordance with the gender, the experience existence, and the family atmosphere is all positively affected at behavior factor, and woman university student in accordance with Sender, an experienced person in accordance with experience existence, and cognitive attitude which is conservative family atmosphere show to be much more affected at behavior attitude.
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The Emotional Experiences of Leisure fenccing Activity and Social Structural Factors 스포츠 사회학 : 여가스포츠로서 펜싱 경기활동의 정서체험과 사회구조적 요인
최미란MiRanChoi , 이종영JoungYoungLee
41(3) 73-81, 2002
The Emotional Experiences of Leisure fenccing Activity and Social Structural Factors 스포츠 사회학 : 여가스포츠로서 펜싱 경기활동의 정서체험과 사회구조적 요인
최미란MiRanChoi , 이종영JoungYoungLee
The purpose of this study is to explore the social structural factors that have an effect on the lands of emotions actually experienced through leisure-time sports activity and the transformative process of actually experienced emotions. Put it in the concrete, this study aims to investigate the effect that the social structural factors have on the emotion to be newly felt, from the perspective of actual emotional experiences people attempt to feel as actually experienced motions are inhibited and promoted.
Based on the study results, the following conclusion was obtained:
First, the kind of emotions actually experienced in the fencing game activity setting can be divided into three ones such as physiological emotions, psychological emotions and social emotions.
And, in terms of the relationship between the emotion actually experienced through fairing game activity and the social structural factor, coach-related factors, factors related to like-minded persons on the dub and the program-related factors make a greater contribution to the transformation of emotions actually experienced through fencing game activity. The former factors have a direct effect on the actual experience in the emotions of leisure-time sports activity, whereas the latter factors exert an indirect on it.
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The Influence of Cohesiveness on Team Success of the Volleyball Teams 스포츠 사회학 : 한국 실업 배구팀의 응집력의 성원만족 및 팀성공에 미치는 영향
이세호SeHoLee , 김학권HakKwonKim , 김경식KyungShikKim
41(3) 83-91, 2002
The Influence of Cohesiveness on Team Success of the Volleyball Teams 스포츠 사회학 : 한국 실업 배구팀의 응집력의 성원만족 및 팀성공에 미치는 영향
이세호SeHoLee , 김학권HakKwonKim , 김경식KyungShikKim
The Purpose this study was to verify hypothetical model through identifying the influence of cohesiveness on team success of the volleyball teams.
Subject for this study consisted of five teams including 69 athletes. The reliability coefficient of cohesiveness used in this study was Chronbach` α=.71. The methods of statistics used to analyze the collected data were factor analysis, regression analysis.
The implications of the study are as follows :
First, The volleyball team differentiate from the cohesiveness. Namely, first rank team was the highest in individual-task cohesiveness.
Second, The cohesiveness of volleyball team have an influence on team point. Namely, individual-task cohesiveness have an influence on team point.
Third, The cohesiveness of volleyball team have an influence on team rank Namely, individual-task cohesiveness have an influence on team rank.
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Contents Analysis of the Gymnastic Activities in the 7th Elementary Physical Curriculum 스포츠 교육학 : 초등학교 제7차 체육 교육과정의 체조활동 내용분석
이덕영DukYoungLee , 이광무KwangMooLee
41(3) 95-112, 2002
Contents Analysis of the Gymnastic Activities in the 7th Elementary Physical Curriculum 스포츠 교육학 : 초등학교 제7차 체육 교육과정의 체조활동 내용분석
이덕영DukYoungLee , 이광무KwangMooLee
This paper aims at giving practical help to the next curriculum reform and to the field application of gymnastic activities among functional exercise areas of the elementary physical curriculum. For this purpose, this paper used comparative analysis for the subject contents organization by grades of the gymnastic activities presented in the 7th physical curriculum which is performed at the current elementary school field, and inspected the difficulty of the contents and the appropriateness of the lessons, and reached the following results.
First, the 7th curriculum presents the gymnastic activities as an independent area by organizing the contents separately. But next curriculum must be requested to clarify required and optional subjects.
Second, the 7th curriculum recognizes the importance of the free gymnastics and to introduce it into a daily life presents it as a required activity in 3, 4, 5, 6 th grades. But in the next curriculum, according to the change of time the reform of the free gymnastics must be done continuously.
Third, the tool gymnastics of the 7th curriculum presents the diversification of tools. But the next curriculum should diversify much more tools and as a result real selective activities must be done.
Fourth, the rhythmic gymnastics of the 7th curriculum presents all items by widening the breadth of learning. But the next curriculum should consider adding ball gymnastics in the 4th grade, rope gymnastics in the 5, 6th grades.
mat work long vaulting horse, horizontal bar, balance beam) in the 36th grades into each grade respectively.
Fifth, the heavy gymnastics of the 7th curriculum presents the organization of learning contents by grades as being weakened and reduced. Accordingly, in the next curriculum, like the 6th curriculum, it is desirable to organize 4 all items(mat work long vaulting horse, horizontal bar, balance beam) in the 3-6th grades into each grade respectively.
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Structures, functions and significance of honorary collaboration in the german sports clubs with regard to the situation of the honorary collaboration in the Korean Sports clubs
Hong Nam Kim
41(3) 115-123, 2002
Structures, functions and significance of honorary collaboration in the german sports clubs with regard to the situation of the honorary collaboration in the Korean Sports clubs
Hong Nam Kim
The present study will explain the structures and functions, the everyday work and in general the significance of honorary collaboration in the German sport clubs.
To make these aspects understandable, it is necessary to describe first generally the structures of the spot clubs, especially those of membership and personnel, and to take into consideration the kinds of sport offered, the facilities and the economic situation of the individual clubs.
The representation of the honorary collaboration includes particularly explanations on the personnel. Concerning honorary collaboration it makes sense to distinguish between members of the managing committee and other collaborators. It must be reported in detail on the first group, its structure, and the functions of their individual members, especially or their expenditure of time and the effects of their work. Those, who do not belong to the committee are often important for informal collaboration and for the climate in the dub. It can be said, that the honorary collaboration in the German sport clubs is constitutive and indispensable.
In Korea the honorary collaboration is yet developing.
In the end will try to show, in what manner positive aspects of honorary collaboration in the German sport clubs could be made profitable for the Korean sport clubs.
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The Causal Relationship Model Among Lifestyle, Health Promotion Behaviors, and Organization Satisfaction of the Universities Participating in Sport for All 사회체육 : 여가활동 참여 대학생의 라이프스타일과 건강증진 행위 및 대학 조직만족도 간의 인과모형 연구
41(3) 125-137, 2002
The Causal Relationship Model Among Lifestyle, Health Promotion Behaviors, and Organization Satisfaction of the Universities Participating in Sport for All 사회체육 : 여가활동 참여 대학생의 라이프스타일과 건강증진 행위 및 대학 조직만족도 간의 인과모형 연구
Tire principal purpose of this study is to analyze closely the causal effects a" lifestyle, health promotion behaviors and organization satisfaction of the Universities participating in sport for all.
For this purpose the research was administered to using materials of 394 male and female universities dwelling in Kyungsanbukdo. Data were collected through samples by means of cluster sampling method.
The questionnaire for data collection of this study was based on those used in previous studies among lifestyle, health promotion behavior, and school organization satisfaction scales, and used them after exam ing the verification of validity and reliability through pilot test.
The methods of Statistics used to analyze the collected datas were structural equation modeling analysis.
The following is contusions brought through these analyzing methods and process in this study. Hopothesis I was selected to optimal casual model.
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Availability and Level of Physical Activity among the Secondary School Students
Dong Kun Kim , Min Haeng Cho
41(3) 139-145, 2002
Availability and Level of Physical Activity among the Secondary School Students
Dong Kun Kim , Min Haeng Cho
Thus study, based on Kassari`s activity index, assessed the likelihood that youth take part in enough physical activity during their leisure time to gain health bents. The survey was conducted using survey from a multistaged duster sample of youth registered in middle and high school in a metropolitan city, 1099(middle school students=487, high school students=612) students reported their mode, frequency, and intensity of physical activity. Taro-way contingency table analyses revealed that there were dear differences in the level of physical activity between middle school students and high school students. The results of this study provide a means to increase the probability of physical activity for youth to gain health benefits.
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Physical activity level, Youth
The Relationships among the Type and Degree of the Adolescent`s Participation in Leisure Sports Activities, Self - Expression Behavior and Self - Regulation Abilities 사회체육 : 청소년의 여가스포츠활동참가유형과 정도에 따른 자기표현행동과 자기조절능력의 관계
41(3) 147-158, 2002
The Relationships among the Type and Degree of the Adolescent`s Participation in Leisure Sports Activities, Self - Expression Behavior and Self - Regulation Abilities 사회체육 : 청소년의 여가스포츠활동참가유형과 정도에 따른 자기표현행동과 자기조절능력의 관계
The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationships among type and degree of the adolescent`s participation in leisure sports activities, self-expression behavior and self-regulation abilities. To accomplish the purpose of this study, the 626 subjects were selected using the duster random sampling method from students who study at middle and high school in Daegu city and Gyeongsangbuk-do, in 2002.
The Survey questionaries were used to collect data. The questionaries for self-expression behavior scale developed by Rathus(1973) and standardized in Korean language by Kim, Jung-suk(1998). And self-regulation abilities scale developed by Kendall and Wilcox(1979) and standardized in Korean language by Lee, Soon-Kyu(1995).
The statistical analysis methods utilized in this study for analyzing the collected data are descriptive, factor analysis reliability analysis, analysis of covariance(ANCOVA), standard multiple regression.
From the analysis of this study, the follwing corrosions were obtain:
Firstly, self-expression behavior and self-regulation abilities of adolescents are partially different by the type of participation in leisure sports activities.
Secondly, the degree of participation in leisure sports activities are partially influence on self expression behavior and self-regression of adolescents.
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A look through the changing procedure in Taekwondo Demonstration 사회체육 : 태권도 연무 시범의 변천과정에 대한 고찰
41(3) 159-167, 2002
A look through the changing procedure in Taekwondo Demonstration 사회체육 : 태권도 연무 시범의 변천과정에 대한 고찰
This study aims to search out the changing procedure in Taekwondo demonstration to look through the changing procedures in the performance component and contents and the results are such follow;
First, for the change in the components national demonstration team, for exhibition, college ones, juvenile ones and private ones have been established in turns. In addition, for the beginning object exhibitors were formed mainly with domestic components and exhibiting performers were expansively sent to foreign countries to be irrespective of original nations to be developed into huge sports event attendants including various kinds of fairs from simple Taekwondo ads.
Constant demonstration teams were constructed with periodic training, which made organic and specializing phenomena where they divide roles into training, demonstration planning, program preparing and demonstration supervising, and the demonstration places have been expanded from playground to all-round gymnasiums, stadiums, theaters and studios.
For the breaking object change there`s no big shift, but music, sound and illumination effects and clothing were developed instead of guns and swords in stage property.
Second, for the change in program contents generally developing phase was more verified than the beginning. Basic movements were associated with their mixture, attitudes replaced the existing ones with new ones, named Taekwon gymnastics, with music and active and lively movements following the current time trend and fighting attitudes, which appeared in the process of content developments, and Taekwon dance graft on Korean traditional music were seen.
For the breaking part one unique blow`s powerful breaking was developed to jump breaking where they jump in the air to break objects twice to three times and even four times to the highest and compact breaking where they, covering eyes with cloth, break them only with sixth sense. When it comes to self-protection, as shown in earlier military demonstrations, demonstration using guns and swords was transferred to self-defence in order to block outer physical force and fighting contest was adopted with game contents following Taekwondo being selected in international contests.
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Comparison of Theoretical Models for Leisure Sports Activities 여가 레크리에이션 : 여가스포츠 활동이론의 비교 검증
유진JinYoo , 김영재YoungJaeKim
41(3) 171-178, 2002
Comparison of Theoretical Models for Leisure Sports Activities 여가 레크리에이션 : 여가스포츠 활동이론의 비교 검증
유진JinYoo , 김영재YoungJaeKim
The purpose of this study was to test a theoretical model of confucian reasoned action in comparison with models of reasoned action and planned behavior to predict leisure sports intention in Korea t was hypothesized that the model of confucian reasoned action would more significantly predict leisure adherence intention than the two models which were originally developed within Western culture. A total of 530(male: 227, female: 253) participants attending various leisure sports activities in Seoul completed a battery of questionnaires to assess model constructs: intention, attitude, subjective norm, perceived control, face saving, group conformity. The results of hierarchical multiple regression indicated that the planned behavior model was found to account for a substantially greater percentage of the leisure intention variance than did the models of reasoned action and confucian reasoned action. Attitude toward the leisure activity, subjective noun, and perceived behavioral control tended to predict intention to leisure activity adherence. However, group confirmity and face saving in the confucian reasoned action model did not significantly predict leisure intention. It was also found that the confucian reasoned action model differentially influence leisure intention as a function of health and economic condition Participant who were perceiving themselves as being moderate healthy and high economic situation were more likely to conform to others` opinion to adhere leisure activities. These results provided a theoretical framework about the antecedents of leisure behavior and it`s application in cultural perspectives.
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The effect of golfers` betting during a round to their flow experiences
Sei Yi Oh
41(3) 179-183, 2002
The effect of golfers` betting during a round to their flow experiences
Sei Yi Oh
The primacy purpose of this study was to examine relationships between golfers` flow experiences and betting(extrinsic motivation) during a round. This study was based on Csikszentmihalyi`s model of flow theory (1975). The study was based on a sample of 91 American social golfers. The results showed gender, when played and bet were significant with total flow. Golfers Who did bet during a round had less flow experiences than golfers who did not bet. Also, male golfers and golfers who played on weekdays had higher level of flow experiences. The result indicated that betting during a round did riot help to enjoy the golf experience. The finding of this study should send a strong message to recreation golfers and golf managers, that betting during a round should ruin their golf experience.
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The Effects of Economic Environment on Leisure and Sport Consumption in Korea : 1986 - 1999 스포츠산업 경영 : 경제적 환경이 여가 , 스포츠소비에 미치는 영향 분석 / 1986 - 1999 년
박영옥YoungOkPark , 백진우JinWooBaek
41(3) 187-194, 2002
The Effects of Economic Environment on Leisure and Sport Consumption in Korea : 1986 - 1999 스포츠산업 경영 : 경제적 환경이 여가 , 스포츠소비에 미치는 영향 분석 / 1986 - 1999 년
박영옥YoungOkPark , 백진우JinWooBaek
This study started to explain the growth motive of commercial sport market in Korea society by examining previous factors affecting sport consumption. Sport is more institutionalized than play or amusement and has been affected by material base of certain society, government policy and cultural values. However, as consumption of exchange value, it will be expected that sport consumption is particularly affected by economic environment. Also, previous studies prove these results(Carpenter & Howe, 1985; Oga, 1998; Leisure Development Center, 2000). Consequently, the purpose of this study was to clarify how extent sport and leisure consumption is affected by economic factors and what variables among economic factors affect those things.
This study conducted regression analysis that leisure & sport consumption were dependent variable and economic variables were independent variable from 1986 to 1999. Results of simple regression analysis showed that there were significant differences in growth rate of GDP, GM per capita, working time, male of family income, increase and decrease rate of family income, family expenditure with leisure consumption However, there were no significant differences with sport consumption On the other hand, results of multiple regression analysis that independent variables were GNI per capita, unemployment rate and working time showed that there were significant differences with leisure and sport consumption Moreover, these three variables dearly explained leisure and sport consumption into 98.8% and 97.6% respectively.
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A Study on Market Segmentation according to Volleyball Consumer for the Target Marketing 스포츠산업 경영 : 배구경기 관람객의 라이프스타일에 따른 시장세분화에 관한 연구
41(3) 195-203, 2002
A Study on Market Segmentation according to Volleyball Consumer for the Target Marketing 스포츠산업 경영 : 배구경기 관람객의 라이프스타일에 따른 시장세분화에 관한 연구
This Study was to analysis market segmentation of volleyball consumer for the target marketing. Based on the result, suggestions for establishing effective marketing strategies were made. The reliability of questionnaires used in this study was Cronbach` α=.65∼.85. The statistics were factor analysis, duster analysis, crosstab analysis, one-way ANOVA.
The following shows the conclusion :
First, the market of volleyball had positive consumption, middle consumption, negative consumption.
Second, volleyball consumer group had 3 segmentation according to lifestyle trait in the consumption type. First segmentation market was negative consumer group. Second segmentation market was positive consumer group. Third segmentation market was middle consumer group.
Third, According to demographic segmentation, positive consumer group turnd out female, 30 age, over graduate, white-roller job, income 100-150. negative consumer group turnd out male, 20 age, high school, housekeeper, income 151-200.
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The Relationship between Job Stress and Organizational Effectiveness of the Sport and Leisure Instructors 스포츠산업 경영 : 생활체육 지도자의 직무스트레스와 조직 유효성의 관계
조현익HyunIkCho , 김우성WooSungKim , 김영기YoungKiKim
41(3) 205-215, 2002
The Relationship between Job Stress and Organizational Effectiveness of the Sport and Leisure Instructors 스포츠산업 경영 : 생활체육 지도자의 직무스트레스와 조직 유효성의 관계
조현익HyunIkCho , 김우성WooSungKim , 김영기YoungKiKim
The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship between job stress and organizational effectiveness of the sport and leisure instructors. More specifically, this study was to examine (1) the mean difference between the solo-economic characteristics of the sport and leisure instructors and job stress and organizational effectiveness respectively, (2) the relative effects of job stress on the organizational effectiveness.
Subjects of this study were 386 sport and leisure instructors who worked at the public and private sport facilities which were located in Metropolitan Seoul and Kyonggi Province.
The questionnaire developed by Cooper and Davidson(1982), Ivancevich and Matteson(1987) originally, and which was revised by Lee(1997) into Korean was used to measure the job stress of the sport and leisure instructors. It consists of 9 items.
The organizational effectiveness was assessed with a 12-item scale developed by Beehr(1978), Lazarus(1978), and Lee(1984) originally and revised by Kwan(1991). This scale was designed to assess subjective ratings of the organizational effectiveness variables such as job satisfaction, job performance, and organizational commitment. Responses were made on a 5-point scale.
And the statistical methods for the analysis of this study were t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson`s correlation, and multiple regression analysis.
The conclusions of this study were summarized as follows:
First, there was statistically significant differences between the socio-economic characteristics of the sport and leisure instructors such as school career and sports and job stress.
Second, there was statistically significant differences between the socio-economic characteristics of the sport and leisure instructors such as school career, income, and sports and organizational effectiveness.
Third, the job stress of sport and leisure instructors was affective on the organizational effectiveness. That is, the communication variable affects on the job performance and job satisfaction, and the job characteristics variables affects on the organizational commitment.
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The relation between sport - brand image and the level of sport - brand loyalty perceived by sport consumers 스포츠산업 경영 : 스포츠소비자의 지각된 스포츠 브랜드 이미지와 브랜드 애호도와의 관계
41(3) 217-226, 2002
The relation between sport - brand image and the level of sport - brand loyalty perceived by sport consumers 스포츠산업 경영 : 스포츠소비자의 지각된 스포츠 브랜드 이미지와 브랜드 애호도와의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate various factors that influenced decision making process of sport consumers by examining perceived sport brand image according to consumers characteristic and scent-brand loyalty type.
Subjects of the study were people who were using commercial sport facilities. The subjects perceived brand image was accessed via the questionnaires based on Aaker(1996), Keller(1993), the subjects level of brand preference was measured by questionnaires based on Cunningham(1967), Runyon(1987), Suresh(1993), Sangwuk Lee(1996), Youngwoo Lee(1998).
The rate of valid response was 97.93%. Collected data were computer-analyzed by proper procedure.
The results of this study leaded these conclusions.
First, The brand image of sport product was different according to sport consumers’ characteristics.
Second, The types of brand loyalty about sport product is different according to sport consumers’ characteristics.
Third, Perceived sport-brand image of sport consumers influences brand-loyalty level.
The results of this study indicated that the brand image of sport product was critical factor decision-making process of sport consumers moreover, the brand image of sport product effected on brand loyalty level that was assessed by repetitive consuming-behavior and attitude.
This study provided new strategic issues of brand-positioning in sport marketing.
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The Effect of the Environmental Characteristics of Taekwondo Gym on Taekwondo Trainee Post - Purchase Behavior 스포츠산업 경영 : 태권도장의 환경특성이 태권도 수련자의 구매후 행동에 미치는 영향
문재성JaeSungMoon , 박진기JinKeePark , 배영상YoungSangBae
41(3) 227-235, 2002
The Effect of the Environmental Characteristics of Taekwondo Gym on Taekwondo Trainee Post - Purchase Behavior 스포츠산업 경영 : 태권도장의 환경특성이 태권도 수련자의 구매후 행동에 미치는 영향
문재성JaeSungMoon , 박진기JinKeePark , 배영상YoungSangBae
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of Taekwondo trainees` satisfaction with the environment of the gym to their general satisfaction with the gym and post-purchase behavior, which refers to a behavior after taking training in the gym. A hypothetic model was built based on earlier studies, and the intervariable relationship of the presented relationship model was examined. As a result of making another factor analysis by LISREL`s maximum likelihood estimation, every measurement value appeared to have convergent validity with 0.5 or higher load value. The covariance structure analysis was employed to find out the impact of the gym environmental characteristics on trainee satisfaction and post-purchase behavior. The findings of this study were as below. First, the facility and accessibility, part of the environmental characteristics of the Taekwondo gym, didn`t give a significant impact on the general satisfaction of the trainees. Second, the leader and program factors, part of the environmental characteristics of the Taekwondo gym, exerted a significant influence on the general satisfaction of the trainees. Third, the general satisfaction of the trainees had a strong impact on their repurchase intention and word-of-mouth marketing intention, which are post-purchase behavior. The above-mentioned findings suggested that more positive perception of the Taekwondo gym environment led to greater general satisfaction, and that higher satisfaction served to generate absolutely more repurchase intention and word-of-mouth marketing intention.
Key Words
The Relationship between Service Quality and Consumer Satisfaction, Consumer Loyalty in Taelung International Skate Facility 스포츠산업 경영 : 태릉국제스케이트장의 서비스 질과 고객만족 및 고객충성도의 관계
강호정HoJungKang , 이준엽JunYeobLee , 김경식KyungSikKim
41(3) 237-246, 2002
The Relationship between Service Quality and Consumer Satisfaction, Consumer Loyalty in Taelung International Skate Facility 스포츠산업 경영 : 태릉국제스케이트장의 서비스 질과 고객만족 및 고객충성도의 관계
강호정HoJungKang , 이준엽JunYeobLee , 김경식KyungSikKim
This study was to analysis the relationship between service quality and consumer satisfaction, consumer loyalty in sport facility. Namely, this study was to test an pasimonius service model through repetitious analysis and theory trimming.
To attain the goal of the study described above paragraphs, the subject of this study were selected by duster random sampling method. This study drew out and analyzed 122 people in total.
The result of reliability check up was here below; Chronbach` α=.90. To analyze materials, correlation analysis, SEM were used as statistic analysis techniques. The conclusion based on above study method and the result of material analysis are here below.
First, the service quality are confirmed multidimensional constructs.
Second, the consumer satisfaction is confirmed unifactor.
Third, the consumer loyalty are confirmed two factors.
Forth, the service quality influences on the consumer satisfaction. The more service quality, the more consumer satisfaction.
Fifth the consumer satisfaction influence on consumer loyalty. The more consumer satisfaction, the mare consumer loyalty.
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A Study of Changing Mind Sets in Organization of Korean Folk Ssireum League - mainly using organization · marketing · tradition culture - 스포츠산업 경영 : 프로씨름의 구조적 변화에 관한 연구 - 조직 · 경영 · 문화요소를 중심으로 -
41(3) 245-255, 2002
A Study of Changing Mind Sets in Organization of Korean Folk Ssireum League - mainly using organization · marketing · tradition culture - 스포츠산업 경영 : 프로씨름의 구조적 변화에 관한 연구 - 조직 · 경영 · 문화요소를 중심으로 -
This study is about Professional Ssireum League which have been going on for around 20 years. Professional Ssireum is unpopular sports so to make it better the organization have changed its marketing plan by using positive traditional culture. The aim of the study is on changing mind in organization Professional Ssireum league have started with power from government. Many companies made the team but the game was getting boring and also there were many judging problem Therefore, some tears disbanded by those reasons. Also, there were many problems between folk Ssireum and Amateur Ssireum In 1990, many managers have got together and made 『Korean Folk Ssireum Associations』. The association have promised to sponsor 1 hundred million 2000 million Won Even with new organization and sponsor, Ssireum was still unpopular. Since the Professional Ssireum is unpopular sports so the organization was losing lots of money. Therefore, in 2001 the organization used new marketing plan using many sponsor as possible. Let those companies to put their own placard during the season so the organization can make over 16 hundred million won. But still Professional Ssireum is one of the unpopular sport in Korea and also it is hard to say that Ssireum is the main traditional sport in Korea.
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The Influence of Involvement in Professional Soccer and Demand for Information on Information search and Purchase Intention 스포츠산업 경영 : 프로축구 관여도와 정보요구도가 정보탐색 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향
김주성JooSungKim , 강정호JungHoKang
41(3) 259-273, 2002
The Influence of Involvement in Professional Soccer and Demand for Information on Information search and Purchase Intention 스포츠산업 경영 : 프로축구 관여도와 정보요구도가 정보탐색 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향
김주성JooSungKim , 강정호JungHoKang
The purpose of this study is to examine the degree of information search and purchase intention in groups with different degrees of involvement in professional soccer and demand for information of it.
To accomplish this purpose, 1,118 samples were selected randomly from an audience who visited 10 home stadiums in order to watch professional soccer games, "Samsung Digital K-League". All 1,043 samples, from which 75 that had no items checked in it were excluded, were used. The questionnaire was a survey and each item was made up of a 5-point Likert scale. The appropriateness was verified by validity and reliability tests and items were made from self-administration method. The data was analysed through descriptive analysis, 2-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis using SF WIN 10.0. The results acquired through this process are as follows. First, there is difference in the degree of information search between groups that have different degrees of demand for information according to the degree of their involvement in professional soccer. Second, there is difference in the degree of purchase intention between groups that have different degree of demand for information according to the degree of their involvement in professional soccer. Third, involvement in professional soccer and the demand for information affect an information search Fourth involvement in professional soccer and the demand for information affect purchase intention. Fifth, among the components of information search, the content of information search seems to affect purchase intention but does not affect the information search media, the time of media information search or the time of human information search Drawn from these results, discussion of the activation of professional soccer, the limitations of the study and suggestions for further studies are presented. Limitations of this research and suggestions for further studies are as follows. First, there were only limited variables applied to this study. In following studies, it would be desirable to add more influential variables to analyse the nature of audience from various perspectives. Second, there is a limitation that the factors that attract audiences have not been considered in this study. Third, there should be studies related to diverse agents that promote the value professional soccer. There should also be studies not only from the audience’s perspective but also from that of corporate that have sponsorship in professional soccer.
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Analyses of Performances in Balance Beam 무용 : 여자 체조 평균대 연기에 대한 분석
김진수JinSooKim , 이필영PilYoungLee
41(3) 277-287, 2002
Analyses of Performances in Balance Beam 무용 : 여자 체조 평균대 연기에 대한 분석
김진수JinSooKim , 이필영PilYoungLee
The purpose of this study is to investigate how to get more bonus points which can be obtained by creative performances, value parts and connection value and to serve as research material for getting better grades in the international sports arena. For this purpose, value, connection value and start value of the performances by top six athletes who won the balance beam finals in the 2nd Universiad game held in China, August 2001 and by two Korean representative athletes were analyzed In the analysis of value parts, more parts were implemented by the top four athletes than by the Korean athletes, showing differences in bonus points. In the analysis of connection value by which their bonus points were obtained, there were significant differences between the players who won the event finals and the Korean athletes, The analysis of start value revealed that the top 4 athletes showed an average level of 9.75 points which was 0.475 points higher than that of the two Japanese athletes and two Korean athletes with 9.275 points. According to the study, it is important for Korean athletes to reduce differences in start value in order to get better grades in the world sports arena. It is also necessary that Korean athletes should make every effort to develop creative performance and new techniques so as to get bonus points as much as possible.
It is also important they should have confidence in exercises and matches so that they can act to the best of their abilities.
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A Study on the Dance Image and the Audience`s Reading of Korean Film 무용 : 영화에 나타난 무용이미지와 수용자 해독에 관한 연구
41(3) 289-301, 2002
A Study on the Dance Image and the Audience`s Reading of Korean Film 무용 : 영화에 나타난 무용이미지와 수용자 해독에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was analyzed the Image of Dame and the ideology revealed korean film and which was explored to the procedure of significant meaning by the decoding of the audience. The sampled subject was Korean dance movie "< Dance Dance >". There was interviewed with 24 audiences to collect the data through the indepth interviews which were supported by the narrative observation and the narrative-survey primarily. Due to the collecting the research materials by the transcription and the coding, there was developed the category of the theme. There was applied the ethnographical methods of Cultural Studies for the reception study. There was applied to obtain the confidence and the appropriation by methods "1) Triangulation, 2) Thick Description, 3) Referential Adequacy Materials, 4) Peer Debriefing, and 5) Progressive Subjectivity & Writing Reflexive Journal". The conclusions of this study are as follows; First, the people group which was over 30 years old created the opposite discours, such as, the dance is belong to thne women`s art, the dance image is belong to the indecent dance, and the dame image is belog to low social position. Second, Each subgroup take Dance Image in their own way that reflects condition of life and desire or need and the view of life. And in doing so, there are many differences according to sex, generation and occupation. Third, An investigation of the various patterns of the cultural pratices revealed by the above mentioned subgroups-Youngsters, College student, White and Blue colors, housewives- show us the fault of the researches which argue that people get subordinated to the dominant ideology.
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The effects of Eleutherococcus senticosus extract on human fatigue factors and oxidant - antioxidant system during maximal and submaximal exercise 운동생리학 : 가시오갈피 투여가 최대부하와 최대하부하 운동시 피로유발요인과 산화 - 항산화 체계에 미치는 영향
The effects of Eleutherococcus senticosus extract on human fatigue factors and oxidant - antioxidant system during maximal and submaximal exercise 운동생리학 : 가시오갈피 투여가 최대부하와 최대하부하 운동시 피로유발요인과 산화 - 항산화 체계에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Eleutherococcus senticosus supplement on lactate, phosphorous, ammonia, MDA, and GPX during maximal and submaximal exercise.
The Subjects in this study were 10 male college students. Ten males were divided into two groups: five Eleutherococcus senticosus supplied (S), five placebo supplied (P) and compared the differences between supplement before(B) and after(A). Obtained results were as follows: In the exercise performance time, S group was increased during submaximal test, and there was significant differences (p<.05). In the blood lactate and phosphorous, SA was higher than SB that was a result of improved exercise performance time by supplying Eleutherococcus senticosus. Whereas in the ammonia, SA was lower than SB that proved an effect of Eleutherococcus senticosus to synthesize energy. In the MDA levels, SA was lower than SB(p<.05), whereas SA was higher than SB in GPX levels(p<.05).
In conclusion, it was founded that regular Eleutherococcus senticosus supplement reduce blood lactate, phosphorous, and ammonia accumulation and improve submaximal exercise performance effectively. Also, Eleutherococcus senticosus could inhibit oxidative tissue damage by lipid peroxidation.
Therefore, Eleutherococcus senticosus has an effect of pharmacology for clinical treatment, in addition to energy mobilization and fatigue factors reduction, and maintenance of tissue oxidant-antioxidant system horn.
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The Change of Cortisol, Testosterone After Cryotherapy Following Exercise - Induced Muscle Fatigue 운동생리학 : 근 피로 유발후 냉요법에 따른 코티졸, 테스토스테론의 변화
41(3) 317-323, 2002
The Change of Cortisol, Testosterone After Cryotherapy Following Exercise - Induced Muscle Fatigue 운동생리학 : 근 피로 유발후 냉요법에 따른 코티졸, 테스토스테론의 변화
The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of Cortisol, Testosterone after Cryotherapy following Exercise-Induced muscle fatigue concentric exercise of a knee. Eight healthy mans performed a bout of concentric exercise which is composed of three sets of one-hundred fifty maximal reciprocal contraction at 30°/sec on isokinetic dynamoneter, Subjects were immersed their exercised leg in cold water at 10℃ and 15℃ for 30min immediatly after concentric exercise and then rested in ambient condition lasting 6hours. Blood samples were obtained atresting before muscle fatigue, immediatly, 30min, 2hours, 4hours, and 6hours after concentric exercise. The result of this study were as follow:
Tthere was no significant between controlled and water immersion condition for blood cortisol and testosterone but blood cortisol and testosterone of within groups was significant for measurement time-course(p<.05). In conclusion, it appears that the cryotherapy night be a helper of the recovery of fitigue after strenuous exercise than nontreaement.
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Effects of acute exercise on the immune responses in trained and untrained juvenile girls 운동생리학 : 급성운동이 청소년기 여성의 세포성 면역반응에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of acute exercise on the immune responses between trained and untrained juvenile girls. Six females Korean falk dancers and 5 female non exercisers took a graded maximal aerobic exercise test(GXT), and 7 ml of venus blood were sampled before and after the test to examine count of leukocyte and their subsets, count of lymphocyte and lymphocyte subsets, and natural killer (NK) cell number. One-way ANOVA repeated measure(2 ×2) were used to determine statistical significance between the values expressed as mean±standard error(SE). Both groups had increases in leukocytes, lymphocytes, B-cell, T-cell(p<.01, respectively), and NK cell(p<.001) after the maximal aerobic test. The dancers had high resting T-cell, B-cell, and NK cell counts compared to the non-exercisers although both groups showed increased immune parameters count after the exercise. After the exercise stress, there were no significant immune responses between the 2 grous.
Key Words
Immune response, T cell, B cell, NK cell, Juvenile girls
The Effect of Dangkwisoo - San on Blood Enzyme Activity in Brusied Rats 운동생리학 : 당귀수산 (當歸鬚散) 투여가 타박부상된 흰쥐의 혈액 효소활성도에 미치는 영향
여남회NamHwoehYeo , 이학용HakYongLee
41(3) 333-340, 2002
The Effect of Dangkwisoo - San on Blood Enzyme Activity in Brusied Rats 운동생리학 : 당귀수산 (當歸鬚散) 투여가 타박부상된 흰쥐의 혈액 효소활성도에 미치는 영향
여남회NamHwoehYeo , 이학용HakYongLee
The purpose of this study was to know the effect of Dangkwisoo-San, administering it to white rats which were bruised, on the elimination of hematostasis and restoration of endurable exercise ability after the elimination.
In an experiment on white rats, the decoction and extract of Dangkwisoo-San was administered to a group of white rats which were bruised on the abdomen and chest area, and caused hematostasis, after compared a group of white rats which were administered it with the other group which was not, the results were summarized as follows:
The Dangkwisoo-San has the function to decrease the activity degree of glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase(GOT), glutamic pyruvic transaminase(GPT), leucine aminopeptidase(LAP) and alkaline phosphatase(ALP) which is increased in the blood by bruising the abdomen-chest area. And it also has the function to rise the quantity of total protein and albumin by improving the damage of the liver`s organization and congestive blood of the live.
As a result of the above, it seemed that Dangkwisoo-San may increase the restoration of the endurable exercise ability and treat a wound effectively and minimize the altered effect of wound. This prescription of Dangkwisoo-San had an effect on the competition event of the fight game like boxing and taekwondo players as well as on a strain and bruise.
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The Effects of Complex Training on Power and Maximum Strength 운동생리학 : 복합 트레이닝 ( Complex Training ) 이 파워 및 최대근력에 미치는 영향
김재우JaeWooKim , 서성혁SungHywokSuh , 백일영IlYoungPaik
41(3) 341-349, 2002
The Effects of Complex Training on Power and Maximum Strength 운동생리학 : 복합 트레이닝 ( Complex Training ) 이 파워 및 최대근력에 미치는 영향
김재우JaeWooKim , 서성혁SungHywokSuh , 백일영IlYoungPaik
The quest for the optimal power and maximum strength training method has led to the development of various training modes. To improve various athletic performance variables, led to research on the use of a combined weight and plyometric training routine. And recently, combined training have been modified to make this form of training more dynamic, thereby overcoming a major limitation of traditional training, called complex training.
The purpose of this study was to examine effectiveness of complex training, pairing with plyometric and weight, and using optimal supercompensation on power and maximum strength, and to compare complex training with traditional training methods, weight training and plyometric training.
Thirty nonexperienced healthy men were randomly assinged to a weight training group(PT; n=10), plyometric training group(PT; n=10), or complex training group(CT; n=10) 10 in each group, and each group totally trained 30 session, 3d/wk for 10 weeks. WT group trained using 80-85% of their 1-RM values, FT group trained at relative intensities approximating 30% of peak isometric force, their body mass, and CT group used complex two training protocol using optimal supercompensation period. Variables measured pre- and posttraining were largely divided into power, maximum strength test. Power test were Standing Long Jump(SLJ), Standing Triple Jump(STJ), Vertical Jump(VJ), and 25m-Single Leg Hop(25m SLH), maximum strength test were Bench Press, Leg Press, Overhead Squat, and Upright Row. Data were collected before and after 10 weeks of training. t-test were used within groups pretraining to posttraining scores, and one-way ANOVA were used the between-group differences(△ score) for three group.
WT group mainly improved significantly in 1-RM variables(p<.001 for Bench Press, Leg Press, Overhead Squat, Upright Row), PT group in power variables(p<.001 for SLJ, STJ, VJ, 25m-SLH), and CT group in both 1-RM and power(p<.001). These results indicate that when considering the improvement of a wide variety of athletic performance variables requiring strength, power, and speed, complex training produces superior results.
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Exercise prescription support system with Case - Based Reasoning 운동생리학 : 사례기반추론 ( Case - Based Reasoning ) 을 활용한 운동처방지원시스템의 구축
Case-Based Reasoning is a problem solving technique with re-using past cases and experiences to find a solution to the problems, The central task that CBR methods have to deal with are to identify the current problem situation, find a past case similar to the new one, use that case to suggest a solution to the current problem, evaluate the proposed solution, and update the system by learning from this experience.
Several successful CBR systems have been developed and researched in Clinical field in abroad.
This paper presents CBR application to exercise prescription and investigates the hit ratio of exercise prescription support system by accumulated the case-base of exercise prescription cases. As the result of this research, it shows 92.11% hit ratic from the test.
The applications of case-based reasoning to exercise prescription field and future research issues are identified.
Key Words
CBR, exercise prescription
The Effect of Circuit Weight Training on Isokinetic Muscle Strength and Body Composition 운동생리학 : 서킷 웨이트 트레이닝이 등속성근력과 신체조성에 미치는 영향
여남회NamHwoehYeo , 김은하EunHaKim
41(3) 359-366, 2002
The Effect of Circuit Weight Training on Isokinetic Muscle Strength and Body Composition 운동생리학 : 서킷 웨이트 트레이닝이 등속성근력과 신체조성에 미치는 영향
여남회NamHwoehYeo , 김은하EunHaKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Circit Weight Training on Isokinetic muscle strengh and body composition in college female student.
The subjects who engaged in this experiment exercised at 40% of 1-RM, 12 repetitions, followed by 15 sec as the subject moved to the each break training program which was consist of the Circuit of 10 stations performed on 3 a day, circuits 3 days a week during 8 weeks.
The assessment of isokinetic factor was in concentric flexors and extensors of right and left knee joint. Tests were performed on the Cybex 770 isokinetic dynamometor and Body Composition were estimated the two parts of Triceps and Subscapular by using skinfold caliper, calculated the average and followed by Keys and Brozˇek way.
Statistical analysis were performed using analysis of variance paired t-test, accepting level for all significant was above α =.05 and α=.01.
Following is as a result of 8 weeks circuit weight training.
1. At the 60°/sec the right and left knee Isokinetic concentric flexors and extensors peak torque increased significantly(p<.01) At the 180°/sec the right knee concentric flexors and extensors peak torque increased significantly(p<.01)
2. As a result of 8 weeks Circuit Weight Training, at the 60°/sec, the right and left Isokenetic knee concentric flexors and extensors average power increased significantly(p<.05, p<.01) and at the 180°/sec the right extensors didn`t show any statistical significant.
3. As a result of 8 weeks Circuit Weight Training at the 60°/sec, the right and left Isokinetic knee concentric flexors and extensors total work increased significantly(p<.05, p<.01) but at the 180°/sec right concentric flexors didn`t show any statistical significant.
4. As a result of 8 weeks, the body composition changed significantly(p<.01) These results suggest that 8 weeks Circuit Weight Training increases the peak torque, average power, total work significantly and decreases the %body fat significantly.
Key Words
The Effect of Swimming on Cardiovascular Risk Factors in the Elderly Woman with Hypertension and / or Obesity 운동생리학 : 수영훈련이 고혈압 및 비만 환자의 심혈관 질환 위험 요소에 미치는 영향
최상배SangBaiChoi , 고성경SeongKyeongKo
41(3) 367-375, 2002
The Effect of Swimming on Cardiovascular Risk Factors in the Elderly Woman with Hypertension and / or Obesity 운동생리학 : 수영훈련이 고혈압 및 비만 환자의 심혈관 질환 위험 요소에 미치는 영향
최상배SangBaiChoi , 고성경SeongKyeongKo
To study the effect of Swimming on cardiovascular risk factors in elderly woman with hypertension and/or obesity but without hyperlipidemias, 27 women who aged 51-60 years old, were selected. Subjects were trained by swimming that composed 50% VO2max in intensity, 20-25 min in time, 4-5 day in frequency, and 10 weeks in duration.
Results of this study are following,
1. After 10 weeks swimming, TCH, LDL-C, Tg and TCH/HDL were decreased, but HDL-C and HDL/LDL were increased. But all data are in the normal range.
2 After 10 weeks swimming, resting SBP and DBP were decreased, and DBP of Obesity was significantly different between before and after swimming.
3. After 10 weeks swimming, body weight, %Fat and BMI were decreased, and %Fat and BMI of Hypertension were significantly different between before and after swimming.
4. After 10 weeks swimming, VC, MVV and 80% VO2submax were increased, and VC and MVV of Obesity were significantly different between before and after swimming.
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Prediction of one repetition maximum from a 7 - 10 repetitions submaximal test in trained males at the age of twenty and thirty years 운동생리학 : 웨이트 트레이닝으로 단련된 남성의 7 - 10RM 최대하 근력 측정으로부터 1RM 근력 추정에 관한 연구
권영섭YoungSubKwon , 김준호JunHoKim , 이석인SukInLee
41(3) 377-382, 2002
Prediction of one repetition maximum from a 7 - 10 repetitions submaximal test in trained males at the age of twenty and thirty years 운동생리학 : 웨이트 트레이닝으로 단련된 남성의 7 - 10RM 최대하 근력 측정으로부터 1RM 근력 추정에 관한 연구
권영섭YoungSubKwon , 김준호JunHoKim , 이석인SukInLee
The purpose of this study was to develop three regression equations to predict One Repetition Maximum(1RM) Bench press strength (BPS), Deadlift strength(DS), squat strength (SS) from a 7-10 RM BPS, DS, and SS test in twenties and thirties trained males. Forty-one healthy adult males who have trained for 1 year at least were tested for 1RM and 7-10 RM. The results of this study indicate that 1RM BPS, DS and SS may be predicted with an acceptable degree of accuracy in trained male subjects.
Simple regression analysis produced the following equations to predict 1RM submaximal testing
1. 1RM BPS(kg) = 5.65 + (1.22 × 7-10 RM BPS). (R2=0.94 p<.001)
2. 1RM DS(kg) = 2.36 + (1.27 × 7-10 RM DS). (R2=0.91 p<.001)
3. 1RM SS(kg) = 24.87 + (1.11 × 7-10 RM SS). (R2=0.85 p<.001)
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The Effects of Aerobics and Aerobics Combined with Circuit Weight Training on Body Composition, Blood Lipids, Serum Leptin and Heart Rate Recovery in Obese Children 운동생리학 : 유산소 운동과 유산소 및 Circuit Weight Training 복합훈련이 비만 초등학생의 신체조성, 혈중지질, Leptin 및 심박 회복능력에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Aerobics and Aerobics Combined with Circuit Weight Training on Body Composition, Blood Lipids, Serum Leptin and Heart Rate Recovery in Obese Children 운동생리학 : 유산소 운동과 유산소 및 Circuit Weight Training 복합훈련이 비만 초등학생의 신체조성, 혈중지질, Leptin 및 심박 회복능력에 미치는 영향
This study is designed to investigate the influence of aerobics and aerobics combined with circuit weight training (CWT) on obese children`s body composition, blood lipids, serum leptin, and heart rate recovery. For this study, 12 obese students (10 to 12 yrs) at three elementary schools located in Seoul were recruited for 12 weeks. These subjects were divided into two groups; aerobics exercise group(AG), aerobics with circuit weight training group(ACG). AG practiced the aerobic exercise with treadmill and bicycle ergometer 50minutes per day, ACG practiced the aerobic exercise and circuit weight training during the same time. CWT consisted of the dumbbell and the subjects` own body weigh at a level of 30-60% 1RM. The results were as follows:
1. The survey shows that in light of body composition, the subjects showed a slight decrease in weight. Both groups showed that the tendency in body fat rate and fat mass was to decrease while lean body mass increased. Also, there was statistically a significant difference (p<.001) in accordance with the period. 2. The study revealed that in Wino of blood lipids and glucose, the two groups showed a decrease in TC, LDL-C, TG, glucose but an increase in HDL-C after the treatment period. There was a statistically significant difference (p<.001) in the effects based on the period. 3. The study also indicates that in the light of leptin, the two groups showed a decrease after 12 weeks. There was a statistically significant difference (p<.001) in accordance with the period. 4. In both groups, rest heart rate and heart rate recovery were decreased and recovery ratio at 10minute increased after 12 weeks. The effect was significantly different according to the workout term (p<.001). The above findings suggest that it`s required to develop both an aerobic workout with a variety of appropriate resistance training programs to provide a more effective care for obese children during this growth period.
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The expression of MyoD and myogenin in skeletal muscle during the aerobic exercise 운동생리학 : 유산소성 운동을 하는 동안 골격근 섬유내 MyoD 및 myogenin 의 발현
김재철JaeCheolKim , 김창근ChangKeunKim
41(3) 393-398, 2002
The expression of MyoD and myogenin in skeletal muscle during the aerobic exercise 운동생리학 : 유산소성 운동을 하는 동안 골격근 섬유내 MyoD 및 myogenin 의 발현
김재철JaeCheolKim , 김창근ChangKeunKim
It was the aim of this study to investigate the expression of MyoD and myogenin protein in skeletal muscle during aerobic exercise. The male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent the treadmill running at the 55% of VO2 max (20m/min, 10°) during 15min, 30min, 45min, 60min, 90min aerobic exercise, respectively.
The expression of MyoD and myogenin protein in gastrocnemius and soleus muscles were examined by quantitative Western blotting.
In the gastrocnemius MyoD protein expression were significantly increased in all groups. In the soleus increased at the 15min, 30min, and 45min, but gradually decreased after 60min.
The myogenin protein expression of gasrocnemius and soleus muscles were significantly increased at 30min and exhibit the high level until the end of exercise.
These results suggest that during aerobic exercise the Myo D and myogenin plays importantly a role in the regeneration and growth of skeletal muscle by the activation of satellite cell.
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Effect of Exercise Program for General Muscular Balance on Body Composition, Blood Lipids and Somatotype of Obese University Student 운동생리학 : 전신근육균형 운동프로그램이 비만대학생의 체성분, 혈중지질 및 체형변화에 미치는 영향
황룡RyongHwang , 변호광HoKwangByun
41(3) 399-411, 2002
Effect of Exercise Program for General Muscular Balance on Body Composition, Blood Lipids and Somatotype of Obese University Student 운동생리학 : 전신근육균형 운동프로그램이 비만대학생의 체성분, 혈중지질 및 체형변화에 미치는 영향
황룡RyongHwang , 변호광HoKwangByun
The purpose of this study is to present scientific data and efficient methods of exercise to develop basic diet program. Exercise program for general muscular balance suggested in this study is composed of muscular resistance exercise and aerobic exercise designed for the reinforcement of muscular strength and the decrease of obesity. The subjects of this study are 24 obese university students over a BMI of 25, which are divided into two groups. Each group has 12 including male 6, female 6. One group(case) had carried out exercise program for general muscular balance for 12 weeks, the other group(control) had taken aerobic exercise for 12 weeks respectively. InBody Body 3.0 (Biospace, Seoul, Korea) was used as a apparatus of experiment. The measured body compositions are weight, soft lean truss, lean-body mass, free fat mass, %body fat, waist hip ratio, body mass index. Blood lipids was measured on an empty stomach for more than 12 hours around 9 a.m. The measured items are total cholesterol (TC), high densitylipoprotein- cholesterol(HDL-C), triglyceride(TG), low density lipoprotein -cholesterol(LDL-C). Somatotype was measured by hazeltine for the human body, scales, calipers (SKYNDEX)). The whole somatotype was measured by Life Size Program(USA) using the value of skinfolds at 9 parts, girths at 5 parts, and breadths at 2 parts. The measurements had been taken before exercise of each group, after 4 weeks, after 8 weeks, after 12 weeks. Body composition and Blood lipids of the measured data were analyzed with MANOVA using SAS, somatotype with non-parametics test.
The results are as follows;
① There was no significant differences both in male and female of two groups.
② Body composition had more effective changes in control group than in case group(p<.05).
③ Blood lipids had more effective changes in control group than in case group(p<.05).
④ Somatotype had no significant differences between two groups statistically, but control group had more effective changes than case group. Considering all the results mentioned above, exercise program for general muscular showed the positive effects on obesity with the change of body composition, blood lipids, somatotype. It is desirable to perform muscular resistance exercise and aerobic exercise effective to the decrease of lean body mass at a same time rather than the only aerobic exercise. Exercise program for general muscular balance to cure postural muscular unbalance caused by obesity can be utilized for the prevention antreatment of obesity, effective on the health management of adults as well as students.
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A Study on the Establishment of Predictors for Bone Mineral Density in Korean Middle - aged women 운동생리학 : 중년여성들의 골밀도 예측 인자 규명에 관한 연구
이철호CheolHoLee , 김수미SuMiKim , 최대혁DaiHyukChoi
41(3) 413-421, 2002
A Study on the Establishment of Predictors for Bone Mineral Density in Korean Middle - aged women 운동생리학 : 중년여성들의 골밀도 예측 인자 규명에 관한 연구
이철호CheolHoLee , 김수미SuMiKim , 최대혁DaiHyukChoi
The purpose of this study is to establish of predictors for bone mineral density(BMD) in Korean middle-aged women and to present basic data of an effective exercise program for the prevention and cure of osteoporosis. The subjects were 49 middle-aged women, who were divided into 22 in exercise group and 27 in non-exercise group, and then BMD of radius, lumbar and femur, body composition, VO2max and muscle strength were measured. The results from t-test of each variable, analysis of correlation and analysis of stepwise multiple regression are the followings. 1) It was showed that BMD of femur, weight and peak torque of right extension muscle and right flexion muscle in exercise group were significantly higher than those in non-exercise group. 2) For exercise group, BMD of radius had a significant correlation with grip strength and peak torque of left extension muscle, and especially grip strength was seen as a significant predictor. BMD of lumbar had a significant correlation with peak torque of left and right extension muscle, and peak torque of left extension muscle was seen as a significant predictor of BMD of lumbar. BMD of femur had a significant correlation with weight and peak torque of right extension muscle, and weight was seen as a significant predictor of BMD of femur. 3) For non-exercise group, the only age had a significant negative correlation with BMD of radius, lumbar and femur, and was seen as a predictor of BMD.
Regular exercise has positive effect not only on increase of BMD but also on increase of the amount of lean body mass, aerobic capacity and improvement of muscle strength. The exercise, in process of which continuous weight bearing can be given, is more effective, and especially in order to maintain and improve BMD of radius, lumbar and femur, which are more likely to result in a fracture of bone caused by osteoporosis, it is mare effective to carry out muscle strength which can make continuous muscle contraction for parts concerned. The result of this study, I suggest that a succeeding study on practical exercise program is need for the prevention and cure of osteoporosis through regular exercise based on the predictors of BMD.
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The expression of myogenic growth factor in skeletal muscle by Endurance training 운동생리학 : 지구력 트레이닝에 따른 골격근 섬유내 Myogenic regulatory factor 의 발현
김재철JaeCheolKim , 김창근ChangKeunKim
41(3) 423-429, 2002
The expression of myogenic growth factor in skeletal muscle by Endurance training 운동생리학 : 지구력 트레이닝에 따른 골격근 섬유내 Myogenic regulatory factor 의 발현
김재철JaeCheolKim , 김창근ChangKeunKim
It was the aim of this study to investigate the expression of MyoD and myogenin protein in skeletal muscle by retraining. The male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent the treadmill running at the 55% of VO2 max (20m/min, 10°, 90min/day, 5days/week) during 2 weeks training, 4 weeks training, and 8 weeks training, respectively.
The expression of MyoD and myogenin protein in gastrocnemius and soleus muscles were examined by quantitative Western blotting.
In the gastrocnemius MyoD protein expression were significantly increased in the 2 and 4 weeks training. but returned the rest level in 8 weeks training group. In the soleus increased in the all group specifically, the higher in 4 weeks than other training groups.
The myogenin protein expression of gasrocnemius and soleus muscles were significantly increased the 2 and 4 weeks training. but returned to the rest level in 8 weeks training group.
These results suggest that the Myo D and myogenin plays importantly a role in the transformation of MHC phenotype of the skeletal muscle by the endurance training.
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The effect of L - ornithine 2 - oxoglutarate administration on plasma ammonia and endurance performance in rats 운동생리학 : 지구성 운동 수행시 L - ornithine 2 - oxoglutarate 투여가 흰쥐의 혈장 암모니아 및 운동수행에 미치는 효과
The effect of L - ornithine 2 - oxoglutarate administration on plasma ammonia and endurance performance in rats 운동생리학 : 지구성 운동 수행시 L - ornithine 2 - oxoglutarate 투여가 흰쥐의 혈장 암모니아 및 운동수행에 미치는 효과
This study investigated the effects of pre-exercise L-omithine 2-oxoglutarate(OKG) administration on blood ammonia levels and on time to exhaustion during treadmill exercise in rats. Male Sprague Dawley rats(n = 56) were trained on a motor driven treadmill. Rats were injected intraperitoneally with 2.5ml of placebo or OKG(0.5g/100g. b,W). Plasma glutamate, glutamine and ornithine concentrations of OKG group were higher than placebo group, and that was statistically significant(p<0.01). Plasma ammonia concentration of OKG group was significantly lower than placebo group(p<0.01), especially there was a sharp difference at exercise 30 minute. Plasma BCAA concentration of OKG group was higher than placebo group, especially there was a significantly difference(p<0.01) at exercise 30 minute and exhaustion. Endurance exercise time of OKG group was longer nearly 15 minutes than placebo group, but there was not statistically significant.
In conclusion, we suggested that OKG administration have kept the high level of plasma amino acids concentration during endurance exercise, activated BCAA oxidation, suppressed the increase of ammonia the improvement of exercise performance.
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The effect of ginsenoside supplementation duing sprint training on superoxide dismutase, catalase, malondialdehyde, hydrogen peroxide of skeletal muscle in mice 운동생리학 : 진세노사이드 투여가 스프린트 운동시 생쥐의 근조직별 항산화 효소 활성도 및 MDA, Hydrogen peroxide 수준에 미치는 영향
조준용JoonYongCho , 한현식HyunSikHan , 이규성KyuSungLee
41(3) 439-448, 2002
The effect of ginsenoside supplementation duing sprint training on superoxide dismutase, catalase, malondialdehyde, hydrogen peroxide of skeletal muscle in mice 운동생리학 : 진세노사이드 투여가 스프린트 운동시 생쥐의 근조직별 항산화 효소 활성도 및 MDA, Hydrogen peroxide 수준에 미치는 영향
조준용JoonYongCho , 한현식HyunSikHan , 이규성KyuSungLee
Although endurance training enhances the antioxidant defence of different tissues, information on the effect of sprint training and ginsenoside is scanty. We examined the effect of ginsenoside and sprint training on the mice skeletal muscle (soleus and gastrocnemius) antioxidant defences. Male mice, 4 weeks old, were sprint trained on a treadmill for 7 weeks. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), caltalase (CAT), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), malondialdehyde (MDA) was compared in trained and trained nice with ingesting ginsenoside. Compared with the sprint group, SOD and CAT activities were significantly increased in sprint trained mice with ingesting ginsenoside. However, production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malond ialdehyde (MDA) in soleus and gastrocnemius muscles were reduced by sprint training with ingesting ginsenoside.
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The Left ventricular Morphology and Contractility in the Endurance, the Muscular and Combined Training Athletes 운동생리학 : 트레이닝에 따른 운동선수의 좌심실 구조 변화가 수축력에 미치는 영향
이상민SangMinYi , 고성경SeongKyeongKo , 이성규SungKyuLee
41(3) 449-457, 2002
The Left ventricular Morphology and Contractility in the Endurance, the Muscular and Combined Training Athletes 운동생리학 : 트레이닝에 따른 운동선수의 좌심실 구조 변화가 수축력에 미치는 영향
이상민SangMinYi , 고성경SeongKyeongKo , 이성규SungKyuLee
To study on the left ventricular contractility in physical training athletes, 55 subjects were selected in university male students. Subjects were divided into 4 groups by the training type; Control(n=7), Endurance Athletes(EA, n=9), Muscular Athletes(MA, n=12), Combined Athletes(CA, n=27). To evaluate the left ventricular contractility of subjects, R amplitude of chest V1, V5, V6 lead were recorded by 12 leads ECG, and to test the left ventricular hypertrophy, left ventricular mass, thickness of posterior wall and septum, %shortening and %fraction were calculated by M-mode Echocardiography. Results of this study are following,
1. Resting blood pressure, HR, and RPP of athletes were lower than Control, especially SBP, HR and RPP of MA were significant different from Control(p<.05).
2. In electrocardiogram, RV5, SV1+RV5, RV6/RV5 of athletes were significant different from Control(p<.05), especially each of SV1 and SV1+RV5 in MA was 15.3mm and 36.1mm that was exceed criteria of hypertrophy.
3. In echocardiography, septum thickness of EA, mass, septum and posterior wall thickness of MA, and mass of CA were significant different from Control(p<.05).
4. In electrocardiogram and echocardiography, pearson correlation had a significance(p<.05) ; SV1+RV5-shortening(r=-.985), RV6/RV5-mass(r=-.944), RV6/RV5 - fraction(r=-.845).
Results of this study indicate that the cardiac contractility and left ventricular mass of athletes were superior than Control, especially contractility and mass of MA were clearly different among the groups. In index of contractility, SV1+RV5 was more explained shortening of cardiac muscle, and RV6/RV5 was more expressed the volume change and the mass of left ventricle of the Ordinary People in North Korea.
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Effect of participation in Hata yoga and Gate ball and weight - training on Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women 운동생리학 : 하타요가 수련과 게이트볼 및 중량부하 운동이 폐경기 여성의 골밀도에 미치는 영향
41(3) 459-466, 2002
Effect of participation in Hata yoga and Gate ball and weight - training on Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women 운동생리학 : 하타요가 수련과 게이트볼 및 중량부하 운동이 폐경기 여성의 골밀도에 미치는 영향
The aim of this study was to investigate Bone Mineral Density in postmenopausal women who had participated in gate-ball, Hata yoga and weight training. 40 postmenopausal women were assigned to three groups: a control group(n=7), Hata yoga group(n=7), gate-ball group(n=7) and weight training group(n=7). They performed the exercise(corresponding to 40∼75% of peak heart rate) 4 times a weeks for 1 year.
The results were as follows.
1. Bone Mineral Density of spine and femoral neck was increased significantly in Rata yoga group, gate-ball group and weight training group while it decreased in control group.
2. Bone Mineral Density of Ward`s triangle increased significantly in Hata yoga group and weight training group while it decreased in control group and gate-ball group.
3. Bone Mineral Density of trochanter increased significantly in gate-ball group and weight training group while it decreased in Hata yoga group and control group.
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Vascular endothelium NOS and immune cell mechanism in the trained SHR 운동생리학 : 훈련된 SHR 의 혈관 내피세포 NOS 와 면역세포 활성에 관한 연구
곽이섭YiSubKwak , 우진희JinHeeWoo
41(3) 467-473, 2002
Vascular endothelium NOS and immune cell mechanism in the trained SHR 운동생리학 : 훈련된 SHR 의 혈관 내피세포 NOS 와 면역세포 활성에 관한 연구
곽이섭YiSubKwak , 우진희JinHeeWoo
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of L-arginine supplementation and swimming training on weight, heart rate, blood pressure, macrophages and NOS by liver cells using SHR. Fourty male rats (six weeks old) were divided into four groups: ten SHR control (HC), ten SHR L-arginine (HA), ten SHR trained (HT) and ten SHR L-arginine + Trained (AT). Obtained results were as follows:
In the mean body weight, there were significant differences between HT and AT compare to HC (p< .05), whereas HC and HA groups were not significant differences(p >.05). In the blood pressure(SBP), there were significant differences HT and AT compare to HC (p<.05).
In the NOS and macrophages levels, there were significant differences among all groups compare to HC (p<.05). In conclusion, For the HC group, the level of NOS and macrophages is higher than that of the other groups, and so we can expect that tissue damage and decreased immune response caused by toxic free radical affects blood pressure, We can conclude that regular L-arginine supplementation and swimming training decrease cardiovascular stress caused by stabled NOS enzyme activity and macrophages activation.
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The Effect of Repeated Training Method on Anaerobic Enzymes in Wrestling Athelets 운동생리학 : 반복훈련방법이 레슬링선수의 무산소성효소에 미치는 영향
김동건DongGunKim , 김상원SangWonKim , 강찬금ChanKeumKang
41(3) 475-486, 2002
The Effect of Repeated Training Method on Anaerobic Enzymes in Wrestling Athelets 운동생리학 : 반복훈련방법이 레슬링선수의 무산소성효소에 미치는 영향
김동건DongGunKim , 김상원SangWonKim , 강찬금ChanKeumKang
The purpose of this study was to investigate the repeated effect of training method an anaerobic enzyme in wrestling athelets.
Subjects were divided into three groups. The first group(mat training) was taking a training once a day, second group(weight training + mat training) was taking a training twice a day, and third group(basic training + weight training + mat training) was taking a training three time a day.
Measured variables were LDH, CPK, PK
Analysis of data was conducted using 3 × 2 × 2 factorial ANOVA repeated measure design.
Result of this study were as following.
First, LDH1,3,4,5 of the third group was significantly increased than two groups, and LDH2 of the third group was increased than two groups.
Second, CPK and PK of the third group was significantly decreased than two groups(p<.05).
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The Separate and Combined Effects of Nicotine and Ethanol on the Heart Rate, Blood pressure and Motor Reaction Time 운동생리학 : Nicotine 및 Ethanol 투여가 운동반응시간, 심박수 및 평균 동맥압에 미치는 영향
김성민SungMinKim , 오상덕SangDukOh
41(3) 487-496, 2002
The Separate and Combined Effects of Nicotine and Ethanol on the Heart Rate, Blood pressure and Motor Reaction Time 운동생리학 : Nicotine 및 Ethanol 투여가 운동반응시간, 심박수 및 평균 동맥압에 미치는 영향
김성민SungMinKim , 오상덕SangDukOh
The present study was undertaken to investigate effects of nicotine and ethanol on the psychomotor and cardiovascular functions. The blood pressure, heart rate, TBRT(Total Body Reaction Time) and SART(Speed Anticipation Reaction Time) were determined before and after separate or combined administration of nicotine(2mg) and ethanol(0.7g/kg) to 15 healthy male college students. The results obtained are as follows:
1. After separate and combined administrations of nicotine and ethanol to the subject, the heart rate increased significantly (p<.05). When the cardiac rate response was compared between the nicotine group and the combined drug group a significant difference(p<.05) was recognized suggesting that the effects of nicotine and ethanol on the heart rate are additive.
2 The mean arterial pressure significantly(p<.01) increased following treatment of the subject either with nicotine or ethanol. However, a combined administration of two drugs resulted in a slight but significant(p<.01) decrement in the mean arterial pressure.
3. Following separate administration of nicotine and ethanol, TBRT was remarkably shortened(p<.001) and prolonged(p<.001), respectively.
On the other hand, a significant difference(p<.05) in TBRT observed between the nicotine group and the combined drug group showed that the effect of nicotine on TBRT was antagonized by ethanol.
4. After separate treatment of the subject with nicotine and ethanol, SART was significantly shortened(p<.01) and prolonged(p<.001), respectively. Following combined administration of two drugs, SART was shortened. A significant difference(p<.05) in SART recognized between the ethanol group and the combined drug group suggested that the effect of two drugs on SART was antagonistic.
The results of the present study suggest that the effects of nicotine and ethanol are additive on the cardiac rate response while antagonistic on the blood pressure response, and also that the TBRT shortening action of nicotine and the SART prolonging action of ethanol are antagonized respectively by ethanol and nicotine.
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The Kinematical Analysis of male 500m Sprint Start in 2001 World Short Track speed Skating Championship (foreign skaters vs Korean skaters) 운동역학 : 2001 세계 쇼트트랙 스피드 스케이팅 선수권대회 남자 500m 종목에 참가한 국내선수와 외국선수의 스타트 동작 분석
백진호JinHoBack , 한윤수YoonSooHan
41(3) 499-507, 2002
The Kinematical Analysis of male 500m Sprint Start in 2001 World Short Track speed Skating Championship (foreign skaters vs Korean skaters) 운동역학 : 2001 세계 쇼트트랙 스피드 스케이팅 선수권대회 남자 500m 종목에 참가한 국내선수와 외국선수의 스타트 동작 분석
백진호JinHoBack , 한윤수YoonSooHan
A field study was attempted to kinematical evaluate two foreign skaters, who participated in the 500m male final round competition, and two Korean skaters during the World Short Track Skating Championship. The three dimensional motion analysis with DLT method was executed using four video cameras of analyzing the actual competition situation. In point of analyzing the actual competition situation, it is expected that skaters and coaches have the effective informations, and the following conclusion had resulted.
Two skater who participated in final competition are superior to Korean skaters in kinematical factors. The elapsed time by phase of the foreign skaters appear shorter than those of Korean skaters, so the start training of Korean skaters should be reinforced. Also the vertiacl displacement of C.G and knee joint of start phases of the foreign skaters appear lower displacement than those of Korean skaters. Especially in the starting position, the foreign skaters are superior to Korean skaters in displacement of first(left) and next following stroke(right). The velocity of C.G. and maximum velocity of skate blade of foreign skaters are larger than those of Korean skaters, And the foreign skaters show the superior early velocity change. Left and right knee angles of the foreign skaters lead to positive point of having the propulsive force in the early starting position.
Observing in the most prominent feature of foreign and Korean skaters in start phase, foreign skaters skate quickly the two stroke. These features of Korean skaters would appear the disadvantage of location selection in entering the comer course.
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Comparison of Lumbar Spinal Loads between Injured and Non - injured Players During a Golf Swing 운동역학 : 골프 스윙 동작시 허리부상 경험선수와 정상선수간의 요추 부하 비교 분석
임영태YoungTaeLim , 신인식InSikShin
41(3) 509-517, 2002
Comparison of Lumbar Spinal Loads between Injured and Non - injured Players During a Golf Swing 운동역학 : 골프 스윙 동작시 허리부상 경험선수와 정상선수간의 요추 부하 비교 분석
임영태YoungTaeLim , 신인식InSikShin
This study estimated the lumbar spinal loads at L4-L5 level during a golf swing using musculoskeletal modeling techniques and compared the spinal loads of injured and non-injured golf players. Data were collected from two experienced amateur golfers. Four digital camcorders and two force plates were used to obtain the 3-D kinetics and kin antics of the golfers motion and 8 pairs of surface electrodes were used to record the activity of selected lower trunk muscles. Eight reflective markers located on the back of the subject were used to estimate the orientations of the middle and lower trunks and musculoskeletal parameters of the trunk Initially, lower trunk muscle forces were estimated using an EMG-based muscle model. An EMG-assisted optimization model was then applied to modify the initial muscle forces using optimized gains for individual muscles to meet the L4-L5 joint resultant moment equilibrium condition. The lumbar spinal loads acting on the L4-L5 motion segment were estimated using the computed muscle forces and joint resultant force at L5. The results demonstrated that the L4-L5 motion segment of non-injured player was subjected to nine peak compressive and antero-posterior (A/P) shear loads than those of injured one during a golf swing. However, the peak medio-lateral (M/L) shear load of injured player were approximately three times higher than that of ran-injured one. Particularly, the timing that occurred the peak compressive load of injured player was very different faun the corresponding value of non injured one. These results suggest that early occurrence of peak compressive load and high M/L shear load of injured player are closely correlated with the risk of back injury.
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The Development of biomechanical Evaluation Variables of Gait Pattern for the Cerebral Palsy with Rehabilitation Training Program Treatment 운동역학 : 뇌성마비아의 재활훈련 프로그램 처방에 따른 보행동작의 운동역학적 평가변인 개발
곽창수ChangSooKwak , 이기청KiChungLee
41(3) 519-534, 2002
The Development of biomechanical Evaluation Variables of Gait Pattern for the Cerebral Palsy with Rehabilitation Training Program Treatment 운동역학 : 뇌성마비아의 재활훈련 프로그램 처방에 따른 보행동작의 운동역학적 평가변인 개발
곽창수ChangSooKwak , 이기청KiChungLee
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of rehabilitation program treatment for cerebral palsy and find out best reasonable variables for evaluating training effects.
Ten normal children and 7 children with cerebral palsy living in C city were employed. The cinematography and force platform was used to analyze their gait patterns. The DLT method was used to obtain the 3-dimensional coordinates of the body landmarks. The recorded images were subject to digitizing with KWON3D Motion Analysis Package, and ground reaction force data was collected with KWONGRF Ground Reaction Force Analysis Package. Also, basic physical fitness items and mechanical torque was measured to investigate effects of rehabilitation program treatment at pre and post-test.
The conclusions of this study were as follows;
1. There was no statistically significant difference between pre and post-test after rehabilitation program for 12 weeks, but whole physical fitness items were slightly increased. Endurance was most increased, and strength, power, flexibility, agility were little increased.
2. Peak torque and peak torque to the body weight were little increased except extensor of right leg, but total work was most increased compared with pre-test.
3. The total ground contact time was decreased with the increment of walking velocity, but the support phase was hardly different. Length and velocity variables were mostly increased, but walking base was dosed. The angles related to hip joint, knee joint, ankle joint were improved to positive aspect.
4. Medio-lateral ground reaction force had a trend to decrease with the decrement of medio-latral movement. The braking and propulsive parts of anterior-posterior ground reaction force largely increased, and as result walking velocity was increased with strength development. Vertical ground reaction force was increased at 1st peak and 3rd peak, however 2nd peak was decreased. Thus made a positive effect in increasing walking velocity.
In summarizing whole results, this rehabilitation program treatment made much increase compared with pre-test at most variables. But, it is very different to identify the relationship between each segment and other variables using t-value and correlation coefficient, because cerebral palsy exposed much variability. It is suggested that the control of walking velocity, repeated measurement, proper subject, etc. must be administered to decrease these variability.
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The Upper Body EMG Analysis of male archers 운동역학 : 양궁 슈팅동작시 상체의 EMG 분석
윤양진YangJinYun , 정미라MiRaJung
41(3) 535-543, 2002
The Upper Body EMG Analysis of male archers 운동역학 : 양궁 슈팅동작시 상체의 EMG 분석
윤양진YangJinYun , 정미라MiRaJung
Thus paper purports to study AEMG(Averaged integrated EMG), muscle activity duration tine for the skilled group(four archers), unskilled group(three archers), and the beginner group(four archers), in order to analyze the upper bodies` EMG when they shoot. The instrument for measuring EMG is muscle tester ME3000P. Measured parts of muscles are right trapezius, biceps brachii, deltoid and latissmus dorsi.
The following is the result according to the analysis of AEMG data and statistics.
According to the results of AEMG between the groups, there was no difference for trapezius.
As for biceps brachii and deltoid, the beginner group showed the higher value than the unskilled and skilled group. For latissmus dorsi, the skilled group showed the higher value than the unskilled and beginner groups. This revealed that the mere skilled group reduced the use of arm muscles and kept the stability of shooting and balance with the effective use of latissmus dorsi.
According to the results of the muscle activity duration time, there was no difference between the groups for trapezius and latissmus dorsi. As for biceps brachii, the skilled group showed the shorter time than the unskilled and beginner groups. For deltoid, the skilled and unskilled groups showed the shorter time than the beginner group. The muscle activity duration time of trapezius and latissnnrs dorsi turned out to have no influence on shooting.
Biceps brachii showed the shorter limn and higher EMG and this made the effective shooting for the skilled group comparing with other groups. The amount of set up ∼ release`s muscle activity duration time is in the following order : beginner group, unskilled group, skilled group.
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The analysis of 3D of joint movements in Yeopchagi of Taekwondo 운동역학 : 태권도 옆차기시 관절운동의 3 차원분석
41(3) 545-556, 2002
The analysis of 3D of joint movements in Yeopchagi of Taekwondo 운동역학 : 태권도 옆차기시 관절운동의 3 차원분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze the three dimensional joint movements of Yeopchagi of Taekwondo. The Cinematograph was used for research 6 competitive Taekwondo players. The kinematic data were calculated to use the Euler`s angle which was made to rotate imbedded axis to each segment respectively according to the three direction. The joint moment and net muscle moment were quantified by Euler`s second law. The pattern of angle of was similar to the abduction/aduction and inversion/eversion in the ankle joint. The value of angle of knee joint differed among subjects during impact phase because of rat perfectly extending knee joint at that phase. The pattern of the angle of hip joint ply increased to the internal rotation in the middle of total phase. The maximum resultant linear velocity of the center of mass of the foot, the shank, the thigh and the trunk almost produced simultaneously different from the principle `the sequence of segment`. The joint moment and the muscle mouth showed same magnitude and timing in the ankle joint. The magnitude of muscle moment appeared greater than that of joint moment in the knee are hip joins. And specially the muscle moment in the abduction/adduction rotation showed relatively important respect to the activities of other directions. The muscle activation was apparent to the three joints, but would appear to be concentric contraction approached impact result from producing of the muscle moment and angular velocity in the same direction.
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Kinematic Analysis of Tennis Topspin Forehand Strokes 운동역학 : 테니스 탑스핀 포핸드 스트록의 운동학적 분석
41(3) 557-564, 2002
Kinematic Analysis of Tennis Topspin Forehand Strokes 운동역학 : 테니스 탑스핀 포핸드 스트록의 운동학적 분석
The objective of the present research is to provide basic materials for tennis training by analyzing kinematic factors in making topspin motions of forehand strokes when playing tennis. These factors include the contribution of the anatomical rotation of each joint on the arm to the speed of racket heads, the trace of racket head centers, the rotation of upper body and stance width before and after impacts, and the level of hitting points. The results of this research are as follows.
1. The internal rotation of shoulder joints appears to contribute most highly to the speed of racket heads, and is followed by wrist joints. In addition, the movement of elbow joints appeared to contribute least to the speed. Accordingly the movement of shoulder joints plays the most significant role in raising the ball speed in forehand top spin strokes.
2 The analysis on movement trace of racket head centers viewed from z-axis showed different results according to players.
3. The effects caused by factors other than the hitting arm at the point of hitting, were shown in linear velocity of the shoulder joints of arms holding rackets. Their contribution appeared higher than the effects caused by an elbow joint.
4. The angles of right and left knees forced for adjusting hitting points before and after impacts appeared to differ from each other. Front legs made a joint movement of a large angle compared to rear legs. It is considered that rear legs make adjusting motions using the angle joints rather than the knee joints.
5. While the steed of racket heads toward the front dropped immediately after the impacts, the up-and-down speed quickened. This suggests that players wind around the ball with the racket to give spins to the maximum.
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The Kinematical Analysis of Releasing Phase in Javelin Throwing Event 운동역학 : 남자 창던지기 경기의 투사구간에 대한 운동학적 분석
양동영DongYoungYang , 조필환PhilHwanCho , 정남주NamJuChung
41(3) 565-572, 2002
The Kinematical Analysis of Releasing Phase in Javelin Throwing Event 운동역학 : 남자 창던지기 경기의 투사구간에 대한 운동학적 분석
양동영DongYoungYang , 조필환PhilHwanCho , 정남주NamJuChung
This study was conducted to investigate the technical structure of the javelin throwing and to improve the training and coaching. The subjects of this study were six male javelin throwers participated in the 81th national sports competition. The actual javelin event was taken by video camera. The analyzing factors were throwing angle, throwing velocity, throwing height time, moving displacement of COG, segmental velocity and angle, rotating angle of the trunk. The conclusions were as follows.
1. It was showned that throng height was 85.6±3.9 and javelin was released to adquative degree, Among the athletes, M3 who had the best record was released the javelin with the fast velocity, but throw the javelin with the less releasing degree.
2 the longer distance the athletes record, the shorter time they had. the shorter time the athletes throw javelin, the longer distance they throw javelin. M2 and M5 who had low record was showned slowly in phase 1.
3. It was showned that the displacement of the C.O.G of the vertical movement was small in phase 1 and large in phase 2, throwing movement.
4. It was showned that the velocity of the upper segment was faster in distal segment, and then athletes who had the best record was fast in upperarm and forearm but trunk.
5. It was showned that athletes who had the best record was large in angle of the elbow joint, shoulder joint, and knee joint and small in leaning angle.
6. The best athletes showned the large rotation of the trunk in throwing the javelin and because accelerating phase was lame, moving distance was increased as to increasing the rotation of the trunk.